So I finally sent out a newsletter last night. I was a little scared to do it, I wasn't sure if what I had to say was too honest and to up front about what I was feeling when I wrote it. I mean, first of all it took me forever to get around to designing a template that I was happy with (I hate using the stock ones that all the service provide) and with so much on my plate I never seem to have the time to sit down and write one. I had to design the template, design the punch cards and I had to get everything to match and to look "just right". But I did it.
I wrote it because I wanted to get the word out about the punch cards. But more importantly, I wanted to get the word out about the 97.3 supplies drive for the Bikou-En Orphange in Japan. If I could go there and help, I would. If I could snatch up the pain away that everyone over in Japan is feeling, I would. Being half Japanese (my mom is from Japan), I have this connection to Japan and what happened to them more than I might have if I wasn't I guess. I have family there, I have roots there. If I could foster an elderly couple for six months until they could get on their feet I would, I would give them a room in my house so they could be warm and comfortable until some kind of decent shelter or housing was made available to them. When I see kids it breaks my heart and when I see older people in their 70's and 80's I see in them my mom's face and I want them to come sleep in my house and be warm and have more food than a rice ball and water full of radiation. I will probably sign up for a mission group for this summer and go help as best as I can. I'll let you know, because if I do I want to bring some of that love that my customers have with me.
I am so grateful. So, so so grateful that the people I have been able to connect with, build friendships with and have the total pleasure and honor to call my friends... all because I've meet them through a tiny little clothing store and hair salon I opened four years ago, that I am able to call them my friends. And that these people, almost all of which I do call friends (a few strangers that will become friends, I just know it), brought in three or four bags of clothing and supplies for these people in Japan when we called out of one blankets or a pair of gloves. The things brought in were just like new, if not totally new. As we sorted through and tried to divide out what would be most important... blankets, gloves, food etc to get off the plane first for warmth I found bags stuffed full of brand new gloves and hats, brand new blankets, unopened crayons and packs of paper. Children's vitamins and cans of tuna and full cases of peanut butter from Costco.
You've shown me the powerful gift of what a good heart is and the compassion and will and goodness that you have. I am so blessed to know such good people. I am. While Bella and Max is a business, it really isn't to me. It is like a house, that my friends stop by with their kids to get a haircut or to grab a gift. But I realize now that this store, this little place... it has connected me to some amazing people. It isn't a chain get 'em in get 'em out place. We get to know a lot of people really well and we build relationships not customers. If for nothing else, I am grateful for that.
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